[School of Coral Reef Restoration #15]

Department of Marine Science and Technology FPIK – IPB University proudly present:

The School of Coral Reef Restoration (SCORES) #15

We cordially invite all students to attend this program for FREE on:

📅 April 11, 2022
⏰ 16.00 – 17.00 WIB
🖥 https://ipb.link/joinscores2021
Meeting ID: 587 468 4087
Passcode: scores2021

So, what are you waiting for?
Don’t forget to register yourself

Please don’t hesitate to contact us or follow us at @itk.ipb for further information.

‼️ Don’t miss it ‼️

We are waiting for you🙋‍♀️
NOTE: For students, this activity can be equivalent to 2 credits

“Lakukan yang terbaik di semua kesempatan yang kamu miliki.” -anonim

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