Akustik dan Instrumentasi Kelautan

Akustik dan Instrumentasi Kelautan

Prof. Henry M. Manik, S.Pi., M.T., Ph.D.

Bidang Keahlian
Akustik Bawah Air dan Instrumentasi Kelautan

Ruang Lingkup Riset
Propagasi Akustik Bawah Air (Ray Theory, Normal Mode)
Underwater Acoustic Scattering Model
Geoacoustic, Seabed Acoustic, Sub-bottom Profiling
Echo Sounder, ADCP, Sonar, Multibeam Echosounder
Seismik Oseanografi, Seismik Sedimen
Transducer, Beamforming, Signal Processing
Bioacoustic of Dolphin, Whales
Analisis Numerik Kelautan dan Perikanan
Target Strength, Volume Scattering of Fish, Plankton, Mikronekton
Target Strength Kapal Selam, Ranjau Laut, Torpedo
Machine Learning and Deep Learning

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